Detailed help can be found in the tooltips which appear when you hover the mouse over the above text elements.

The Very Simple Probability Tree Tool was written to aid thinking about probabilities while I was doing online CityLit courses on "Probability and Statistics" and "Vectors". The former meant that I needed a way of producing simple probability trees that could be annotated and the latter gave me the idea (probably erroneously) of displaying the probabilities as field tangent vectors which gives a 3D effect.

The aim is to aid learning, teaching, presenting, visualising mathematics, statistics, combinations, chance and Pascal's triangle, as well as creative coding - you can make very pretty pictures!

This website was put together by jbcooper_at_fastmail_dot_net and use of it, or the code which can be obtained here, comes with no warrantees, etc. It is written in Lua and uses the Cairo graphics library.

Corrections and suggestions for improvements are gratefully received at the above e-mail address. Please let me know if you find a combination of options which breaks the program.